Viktor Frankl - How To Find Meaning In Difficult Times

Frankl believes that humans are capable of overcoming almost anything if they find meaning in their suffering. This is the interview that I have recommended most in my life and you would make me very happy if you would listen to it right now. It's a quick listen that will only take you a couple of minutes but I promise you that you won't be the same person when you are done by it.

In this interview, psychologist Victor Frankl describes his experience in Auschwitz. In the concentration camp, he discovered that the desire to find meaning and purpose is essential to the human experience.

Frankl believes that humans are capable of overcoming almost anything if they find meaning in their suffering. This is the interview that I have recommended most in my life and you would make me very happy if you would listen to it right now.It's a quick listen that will only take you a couple of minutes but I promise you that you won't be the same person when you are done by it.



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